Monday, February 15, 2010

Norwegian Newspaper again insults our Prophet Oh Muslims Do you still Love Muhammad (PBUH)?

A Norwegian newspaper crossed all limits in insulting Prophet Muhammad (Pease and blessing be upon him). On Feb. 3, the newspaper published a photograph showing a man in front of a computer screen with a depiction of Muhammad as a pig.
 Oh Muslims There is nothing left behind. Lets do at least what we can do. Boycott Norway completely with no exceptions.
 Here are some steps we can take.
 Muslims from Norway should migrate to a land where their Deen is safe. Muslims present in Norway for earning should go back to their homelands and trust in Allah. Allah will give you better earnings if you sacrifice for the honor of his Prophet. 
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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Love Muhammad , boycott Wikipedia Now

Dear Muslims, it is a shocking news that the most famous Encyclopedia on the internet Wikipedia is still containing the blasphemous caricatures of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam despite receiving hundreds of thousands of protest letters from Muslims across the glob. Ironically we are crying against one or few time publication of these caricatures in Danish and Norwegian newspapers but don’t notice that Wikipedia is blatantly and shamelessly insulting an Ummah of 1.5 billion Muslim. Here are some steps we all should take to force Wikipedia to remove these blasphemous cartoons and apologize to Muslim Ummah. Here are ten the steps.
1. Boycott Wikipedia. There are millions of Muslim web surfers who use Wikipedia for information. These are ‘customers’ of the website. A successful boycott will deprive off the site from millions of its ‘customers’. So don’t consider your boycott a simple thing. Use other sources available on internet for information and teach Wikipedia a lesson.
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Hafiz Saeed and Public Support

Prof. Hafiz Muhammad Saeed is considered most controversial personality when we talk about Indo-Pak relations. India accuses him for masterminding Mumbai attacks and demands that Pakistan should put him behind bars and clamp down his organization Jamat-ud-Dawah. Pakistan says India is unable to prove that Hafiz Muhammad Saeed is involved in any kind of unwanted activities inside India.
People outside Pakistan often think why Pakistan is not acting upon international demands against Hafiz Muhammad Saeed. But here in Pakistan everyone knows that it is not an easy task for the government to act against a leader who enjoys enormous public support all over the Pakistan.

On February 5. 2010 Hafiz Muhammad Saeed for the first time after his release from home detention addressed a huge public gathering. He also addressed Friday prayer outside his mosque because the Qadsia Mosque was not able to accommodate thousands of people came from different parts of Punjab to listen his speech as well as participate in Kashmir Day rally organized by Jamat-ud-Dawah.
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